LMBA Raffle Basket Extravaganza Winners
Well done LMBA family! We raised over $8600 in the first version of our online raffle. All of our 9U and older teams and a few of our younger teams contributed baskets, with some of our LMBA skills providers and members of the baseball community added some incredible clinics. We hope everyone who participated had…
Read MoreDon’t miss out on the LMBA Raffle
The LMBA Raffle Basket Extravaganza is in full motion with 34 items to choose from. There are options for everyone and at only $2 an entry, you can have some fun targeting one item or spreading your chances around to a few! Click here to go to the online raffle site. Options include everything from…
Read MoreRegular season hardware brought to Ladner
Congratulations to our three Ladner teams who won their interlock division regular season leagues! 13U A Dodgers 15U A Blue Jays 18U AA Red Sox
Read More2023 LMBA Summer Ball teams announced
LMBA is a small community with a mighty baseball culture, and it came through strongly over the last couple weeks as players from 8U through to 18U hit the field for summer ball tryouts. Thank you to all players who came out to battle for a chance to represent Ladner in the upcoming summer season.…
Read MoreShout out to our Concession staff!
Candy bags and freezies may be what our younger LMBA family rush up to the concession for, but there are a wide variety of options for everyone this year. Hot dogs are back in the lineup, the variety of snacks and candy have expanded, and even hamburgers are new mainstays. Kyla Williams took over the…
Read MoreA Beautiful Day to Kick off the 2023 Season!
Opening Day was met with blue skies and sunshine and the baseball gods have officially blessed the start of the 2023 spring season at Ladner Minor Baseball. Players from all divisions marched onto the field for the opening ceremonies that highlighted the graduating players from the past two seasons. 2021 Graduates: Josh Berry, Ashvin Dhaliwal,…
Read MoreOpening Day this Saturday, April 1!
This Saturday marks the official kick off to the 2023 season. All Ladner teams will gather to celebrate both the start of a new spring calendar and also congratulate those players who have graduated from our ranks over the last two seasons. Teams are asked to gather at Cromie field at 9:45 am with their…
Read More2023 LMBA 13U AAA and AA teams announced
Congratulations to the following players who have been selected for the 13UAAA and AA teams: 13U AAA Alex Tamayo Brady Bach Caleb Miller Cole Hudie Dawson Schmidt Hudson Wortley Jack Riley Kaden Macdonald Kane Laporte Nate Diciotto Nico Yau Sam Johnston Coaches: Doug Miller, Mike Hughes 13U AA Adam Marshall Brady Vuorela Caiden Cheng Cole…
Read MoreLMBA Online Apparel Store – closed Feb 19
It’s time to order your LMBA gear for the 2023 season! We are excited about the first lineup of the year to be announced. Hoodies, t-shirts, shorts, hats, baseball pants and even toques for those early spring sessions are all included in this year’s pre-season sale offerings. The online store will close on Sunday, February…
Read More9U Summer Ball All-Star Team
Congratulations to those chosen to represent the LMBA for the 2022 9U Summer Ball Season. Jack Decaire, Declan Grant, Oscar Botkin, Kieran Ryan, Adam Cabrone, Xavier Nielsen, Jake Rebbit, Logan Romer, Logan Halseth, Yowel Monican, Brendan Benning, Charlie Grierson, Bryce Benning, Jaden Dhaliwal
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