15U Bantam Division Overview

2025 Season birth years: 2010 and 2011

At the 15U age group/level, the base paths are set at 80 feet, lead-offs and stealing are allowed and games are 7 innings long. Balk balls are called on pitchers. Pitchers throw from 54′ and pitching limits follow the BC Minor Rules. Exceptions to this are at the “AAA” level, where all players bat in rotation as 9-man ball is in effect.

The Bantam division is tiered and at all levels, the teams travel to play other associations. If available, players may try out for the “AAA” or "AA" team(s) that offers a more competitive level of play. This team will play similar-level teams from other associations. Players not selected to the “AAA” or "AA" teams will be selected to one of the “A” teams that offer a more recreational level of play. These “A” teams will play “A” teams from other associations.


15U "Bantam" Documents